to Apr 5

Authentic Leadership program with Gestalt approach

Authentic Leadership program with Gestalt approach will begin in 2024.

With this training, you will:

  • deepen your understanding of yourself as a leader

  • strenghten your presence and impact as a leader

  • improve your ability to understand and diagnose problematic situations in your organisation

  • learn new skills in dealing with organisational questions, challenges and problems

  • boost your ability to have an authentic dialogue with your workers and colleagues

  • increase your ability to initiate and facilitate change in your organisation

  • learn new skills to deal with power issues, conflicts and resistance in your organisation

  • become better in dealing with the diversity in your organisation and with cultural differences

  • learn to understand the Gestalt approach for leadership

See more from the link and register for a free info webinar:
More information and register for a free info webinar

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to Oct 15

Sexuality – between excitement and tabu


Sexuality – between excitement and tabu

13.-15.10.2023, Tallinn

F 14-19, Sat 10-18 (lunch 13-14.30), Sun 10-14, 21 academic hours

How to deal with sexuality in therapy and counselling – a Gestalt therapy view.

Sexuality is a central part of being a human. It determines our feelings, thoughts, and actions – when it is active, but also when it is absent. We are convinced that therapists should deal with this important topic – not explicitly as sex therapists, but quite naturally in our daily work with our clients.

Sexuality can be fascinating, simple, complicated, embarrassing and fulfilling. It has many facets. It can be directly named as a problem, perceived more as a symptom or even be taboo or cry out for freedom. Sexuality is not just one topic among many but touches people’s identity to a considerable extent. Who I am? What constitutes me?

Sexuality can be understood as a bio-psychic act of procreation, as well as eroticism, intimacy, a specific attraction between people – love -, as a private matter or social communication, as a commodity for sale or as a mystery of life. It is not by chance that autocratic systems try to define, restrict, or limit sexuality in a foreign way. Sexuality contradicts the idea of order and coercion – sexuality is unpredictable, unruly, and anti-authoritarian.

Sexuality and therapy

If sexuality is a constitutive part of being human, therefore it is also part of the common ground in therapy, even if it is not explicitly mentioned and touched upon. As Watzlawick has said: “You cannot not communicate”, sexuality can also flow into the therapy process without being consciously considered.

As therapists, coaches, and counsellors we inevitably meet the topic of sexuality. Not always directly, sometimes only subtly and in various forms and depths.

How do we deal with it? How confident do we feel about this topic? Do we want to, and can we address it, or do we feel it is an extremely private topic?

As a therapist, it is important to be (self-)aware of this seemingly all-encompassing but rarely openly addressed topic and its impact on therapist, on the client and ultimately on the therapy process.

There are many questions that can arise:

  • how confident and self-aware am I with the topic?

  • what are my own ethical foundations based on my socio-cultural background and biographical experiences?

  • how am I connected to my own sexuality?

  • what sub-topics make me feel (un)comfortable, embarrassed, excited and what do I want to avoid?

  • Where are my boundaries and how I deal with my curiosity?

Being aware of your boundaries, prejudices, personal experiences, doubts, fantasies and introjects is a good prerequisite to be able to face this topic in the therapy, to recognize transference and countertransference processes.

Sexuality and Gestalt

There has not been a lot of explicit writings about sexuality in Gestalt therapy. This is an area where organismic needs and social introjects conflict a lot.

How do we deal with this and where do we stand as Gestalt therapists? What about the concepts of transference and countertransference, shame, and contact?

Where can the founders of Gestalt therapy (Lore and Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman and Wilhelm Reich) help us and where do we need a new way of thinking about sexuality that is appropriate for today?

More about the program is below in the course introduction section…


Curriculum title: Sexuality – between excitement and tabu

Curriculum length: 21 academic hours

Language: English

Target group: Professionals (psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors and coaches) wishing to deepen their knowledge in sexuality related topics. Representatives of other modalities are also welcome to create an open space for sharing experiences.

Goal: Being aware of your boundaries, prejudices, personal experiences, doubts, fantasies and introjects is a good prerequisite to be able to face this topic in the therapy, to recognize transference and countertransference processes.

Learning methods:

  • lecture and experiments

  • individual and group work

  • case studies and supervision

Program of the course

  • Basic aspects of sexuality in psychotherapy: history, biology and culture.

  • What could be identified as sexual problems and diseases?

  • Discussion about the current situation in society and therapy: relationship, sex education, pornography, cheating, LGBTQ community etc.

  • Sharing and working through individual experiences.

  • Supervision sessions on sexuality in therapy work.

  • Gestalt therapy and sexuality.

The topics of social ostracism of homo- and bisexuality, religious commandments, but also how “zeitgeist” myths affect individuals and social groups, will be discussed.

Learning environment: training room in House Tasapisi Tasakaal Graniidi 1 in Tallinn. Coffee and tea breaks with snacks are included in the course price.

Course leader:

BONGERS, Dieter, Dr. phil., born 1951, is a graduate psychologist and Gestalt psychotherapist. He studied in Cologne and Bonn and was an assistant at the Universities of Konstanz and TU Berlin. He did his Gestalt training at the IGG Berlin from 1983 to 1986. From 1991 to 2001 he was the therapeutic director of the Arxhof correction institution in Baselland (CH). He advised the BL cantonal police as a psychologist for several years. Today he runs a practice for counselling and psychotherapy in Liestal (Canton Basellandschaft, Switzerland). Teaching therapist and teaching supervisor. Member of: EAGT, DVG, Gestalt Network Switzerland. He teaches Gestalt in Germany, Switzerland, Bolivia, Latvia , Poland , Belarus and Romania


You are welcome to join the course if you have sufficient knowledge in English to take part of the training.

  • Early bird (until 31.07) 370.- / full price 430.-

  • Full payment of the fee guarantees a place on the course.

  • Registrations: kaire@siinjapraegu.ee

A certificate with course data is issued to the student by completing the course.

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to Sep 24



ESPACIO PABLO VI Paseo Juan XXIII, 3 28040 Madrid

Gestalt Therapy should consider everything that happens around us. 

New social relations result in new pathologies and alterations in our internal and external structure and must be addressed. 

 We have the responsibility to develop personal and social awareness that facilitate changes to foster the wellbeing of our society.

MAIN SPEAKERS: Gianni Francesetti, Georgette Kempink, Enrique De Diego

Lisää sivustolta: gestaltconference2023 – gestaltconference2023

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to May 25

Tunnekeskeisen perheterapian (EFFT) koulutuspäivät

Tunnekeskeisen perheterapian (EFFT) koulutuspäivät 24.- 25.5.2023

Helsinki, hotelli Arthur (Koulutukseen on mahdollista osallistua myös etänä)

Tunnekeskeinen perheterapia (Susan Johnson / Emotionally Focused Family Therapy, EFFT) on kiintymyssuhteeseen perustuva lähestymistapa, jossa yhdistyvät sekä systeemiset että kokemukselliset interventiot perheenjäsenten tunneyhteyden hoitamisessa.

Tunnekeskeinen perheterapia tarjoaa käytännöllisen lähestymistavan perhesuhteiden tunneyhteyden vahvistamiseen. Kokemuksellinen emotionaalinen työskentely parantaa tulehtuneita suhteita, lisää turvallista kiintymystä perheessä ja kasvattaa perheen resilienssiä kohdata jokapäiväisen elämän haasteita.

Hinta: 480€ (koulutus on alviton) (sis. aamu- ja iltapäiväkahvit sekä lounaan.) 31.1.2023 asti Early bird hinta 432€ Tunnekeskeisen terapiayhdistyksen jäsenhinta 384€

Ilmoittautuminen: ninni.pukkala@gmail.com / 30.4.2023 mennessä.

Lisätietoja: hanna.pinomaa@gmail.com / www.tunnekeskeinenpariterapia.fi

Koulutukseen osallistuminen ei edellytä aikaisempia tunnekeskeisen terapian opintoja. Koulutuksessa on tulkkaus.

Kouluttajina ovat kaksi tunnekeskeisen perheterapian keskeistä kehittäjää: Gail Palmer ja James Furrow.

Gail Palmer, on yksi Tunnekeskeisen terapian kansainvälisistä kouluttajista ja yksi Ottawan pari- ja perhe Instituutin perustajista. Gail opettaa Oxfordin yliopistossa (Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta) ja Wilfrid Laurier - yliopistossa (Kanadassa). Hän on yksi Emotionally Focused Family Therapy -kirjan kirjoittajista.

James Furrow, Ph.D., on ollut pitkään yksi keskeisistä asiantuntijoista Tunnekeskeisen terapian kehittämisessä. Jim on kirjoittanut yhdessä Susan Johnsonin kanssa seuraavat teokset: Becoming an EFT Therapist: The Workbook, The EFT case book, Emotionally Focused Family Therapy. Jim on sertifioitu EFT-terapeutti, työnohjaaja ja kouluttaja.

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to Apr 16

GIS-Alumni Seminar at Vihula

GIS-Alumni Seminar at Vihula

A seminar at Vihula Manor 11th to 16th of April 2023

We wish to invite GIS graduates to meet each other and use this occasion both as a reunion and a network opportunity for all graduated students, practitioners, and teachers in GIS. Our wish is to facilitate a creative seminar focusing on Gestalt and Network, a seminar where our unity in Gestalt is re-created and strengthened, and where we get together in various groups of interest for further networking.

A lot has happened since the first group started as the “Old GIS” in 1976 – but one thing is unchanged: Gestalt is still the focus and platform for all our activities: Gestalt in the Psychotherapeutic Field, Gestalt in Organizations and in Leadership, Gestalt in Teaching and Learning and Gestalt in Art and Artistic Professions.

Jarkko from Finland has urged and inspired us to use the traditional Vihula seminar week to invite GIS graduates to a re-union, going for contact and creative inspiration.

We have invited Sue Congram from England as a facilitator for the week. Sue is a profound Gestalt Consultant, teacher, and therapist. Sue´s experience will be a gift for this group of other experienced Gestalt practitioners. Several of you may have an idea of something to offer and present. Jarkko has for example already offered to give a mini lecture about his late inspiring visit to NY.

Please contribute with your ideas on specific networking topics and possibilities.

We aim to use this seminar for possible Networking initiatives. Our wish is to support the strong Gestalt community, that includes all graduation years, gestalt groups and faculty generations. Just imagine all the creativity arising from a larger and more active community.

We are looking forward to letting you know what has happened with GIS over the past 47 years, and we are also very much looking forward to hearing, how your journey has been since your first meeting with Gestalt.

Seminar dates

Tuesday, April 11th, 17.30 to Sunday, April 16th, 11:00, 2023. Vihula, Estonia.

Seminar Fee

▪ Nordic private GIS-sponsored fee (-40%): 840 €

▪ Baltic private GIS-sponsored fee: (-50%): 700 €

Airport Transfer

Cost for transfer bus to and from Vihula is Nordic 40 € Estonian 30 €


Double room: Nordic: 900 €, Baltic: 800 €

Single room: 1110 €


Sue Congram


Please visit our webpage for more information about the institute. You can also call us on +45 59 47 00 17 or mail us on gis@gis-international.com

Deadline for signing up:March 15th, 2023

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6:00 PM18:00

Turvallisen tilan ilta

Turvallisemman tilan periaatteet -koulutusilta, alustajina Jussi Nissinen ja Tommi P. Pesonen

Tapahtuma järjestetään Ruoholahden villoilla 9.3.2023 klo. 18.00

Mahdollisuus liittyä mukaan zoomin kautta. Ilmoittautumiset viimeistään 6.3.: yhdistys@hahmoterapia.fi

Koulutuksessa käsitellään sitä mitä tarkoitetaan turvallisen tilan periaatteilla ja mitä kaikkea se tarkoittaa terapiatyössä.

Turvallisen tilan periaatteilla tarkoitetaan tässä ihmisten välisen yhdessäolon järjestämistä siten että kukin osallistujista voi kokea olevansa sinne tervetullut omana itsenään.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

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